Who's behind the camera?

Shelley Polanco is an Afro-Latina photographer and videographer. She has held several group and solo photography exhibitions in the East Coast. Her photographic collection, "La Fuerza de Brandeis," is on display in Waltham, MA.

With a background in Politics and Black Studies, her artistry offers an opportunity to elevate realities that are otherwise silenced in our society.

She is a New York native and based in Connecticut.

Listen to Shelley's guiding principles as a photographer and activist.

Behind the Lens

a documentary about my upcoming documentary

Vimukthi Mawilmada made a documentary about my process as videographer!

"This film follows the incredible journey of photographer Shelley Polanco as she transitions from photography to videography. Witness her creative process and passion as she creates her first film, capturing the vibrant and diverse Latinx population at Brandeis University."

Latest Exhibition

"La Fuerza de Brandeis" at Brandeis Library

Shelley Polanco was the recipient of the 2023 Brandeis LACLS REM Grant. With this, she photographed 47 Latinx people at Brandeis to expand the campus' understanding of Latinx identity.

The first exhibition was open to the public for over a month, with an opening reception with over 100 people.

Now, it is on permanent display on the first floor of the Brandeis Library.


The Justice newspaper published April 2, 2024.

Library news website feature published March 18, 2024.